Year RR

II would like to wish you a very warm welcome to RR.

I am Mrs Robins, one of the Reception class teachers. I have Miss Brock-Turner working alongside me as part of the Reception team. I have a real passion for the Early Years and feel very privileged to be teaching some of the youngest children in our school. I can’t wait to teach your child and support them as they embark on their learning journey!

In Reception, we aim to provide your children with the best start to school that they can have! We really value experiences, and during the school year your children will have many outings that will help to shape their understanding of the world and develop their language.

Our children have lots of fun in our classroom, learning through play and making that learning memorable. We are extremely lucky to have such a fantastic indoor and outdoor learning environment for our children. The children get go outside in all weathers. In our classroom, the environment is also a teacher. Children have areas and resources in their classroom that support them to access all areas of learning from our curriculum.  

Alongside learning through play in their environment, children also take part in teacher led activities, small group work and taught lessons. In Reception our taught subjects are: Literacy, Maths, R.E, Music, Art and Design, Phonics, PSHE, P.E. We have key texts for each half term. In Autumn we will have a welcoming, transition text called ‘All Are Welcome.’ Your children will learn that they belong here and that they are a valued member of our classroom and school community. 

Important information for RW: 

-Library books are changed on a Thursday. 

-Homework: Your child will have a QR code sheet with phonics videos for them to practice at home, please scan and watch one per day. When your child reaches ‘ditty’ phonics group and beyond they will be assigned an e-book through Oxford Owl as well as bringing home a RWI book bag book. The expectation is that you read daily with your child and record this in their reading diary. This daily reading could be either the QR code videos, e-book or book bag book. 

-P.E this half term is on a Wednesday . Children need to come to school wearing their P.E kit. 

-All children need a bag of spare clothes labelled that will stay on their peg. 

-Uniform- Please ensure ALL items are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.  

Contact with us

If you are interested in your child joining our Early Years and would like a tour of our setting, please contact the office and we would be delighted to show you around. We also offer Early Years open afternoons and evening so keep an eye on our social media for dates.  

Before your child joins our setting, a member of our team will contact your child’s current setting (if they are attending another Nursery or childminders.) We will then visit them at their setting so they get to know us. We will send you a pack of information and invite you in for an information evening to find out more. We will also organise a home visit, prior to your child starting with us where possible.  

All Early Years staff are available in the morning and afternoon to talk with you. We also hold stay and play sessions, parent workshops, assemblies, parent consultations, and home visits when your children join our Early Years.  

About us

When your children join us in September they will have a transition period to help them settle into their new environment and form positive relationships with the staff. If you child joins us throughout the year, we will contact you and put together a plan to ensure they have the best start with us.  

In Early Years at Corpus Christi, we provide your children with an environment that provokes interest, fascinates their imaginations and encourages curiosity and wonder. We know that in this ever-changing world, where children’s lives are fast paced and filled with technology and noise, we have the responsibility to create an environment that best supports our youngest children to learn.  As a team, we embrace the best elements of a range of philosophies to create a beautiful learning space filled with natural and open-ended resources to provoke awe and curiosity. 

How we learn

Our curriculum is designed for our children to learn through a mix of play, small group work, adult led activities and taught lessons. Our children have access to the indoor and outdoor environments, which are set up for continuous provision that supports and challenges children’s learning in all areas. The provision in our environment is enhanced to support and reflect children’s interests, current topics and learning. Our curriculum supports our children to be lifelong learners with a positive attitude to learning, ensuring all children reach their God given potential. 

We have set texts mapped out across the year that ensure we are covering key aspects of our curriculum.  These texts are used to expose children to a range of experiences, enhancing their time in school. From these, we plan learning activities that are matched to the children’s individual development and to help further and deepen children’s knowledge of the world around them. Alongside this, children’s interests will help to shape the planning and keep learning exciting and engaging, whilst being tailored to suit the individual child.  

The EYFS Curriculum covers 7 areas of learning: 

Communication and language Listening, attention and understanding Speaking 
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Self-regulation Managing self Building relationships 
Physical Development Gross motor skills Fine motor skills 
Literacy Comprehension Word reading Writing 
Mathematics Number Numerical patterns 
Understanding of the World Past and present People, culture and communities The natural world 
Expressive Arts and Design Creating with materials Being imaginative and expressive 

We prepare children to reach the Early Learning Goals at the end of the Foundation Stage and ensure children make good progress from their starting points, supporting our children through their transition into KS1 and their journey at Corpus Christi.  


In the Early Years at Corpus Christi, we provide our children with lots of experiences outside of the classroom to support their understanding of the world. This can often be spontaneous as they are linked to the children’s interests or the topic that they are covering at the time. You are able to give permission for this by signing a local visits form.  

For experiences or planned trips that are further away, we will let you know in advance.  


· Reception fund- We kindly ask for a donation of £1 per week (preferably on a Monday). More information is provided in your starter packs. 

· Please provide your child with a set of spare clothes in a clearly named carrier bag. 

· Uniform- Please ensure ALL items are clearly labelled with your child’s full name. Please provide spare clothing for your child. 

· PE – every Wednesday. Please send your child into school in their PE kit for the day. 

· In Reception we have access to outdoor learning in all weather. This means that children should always wear/bring appropriate clothing. 

· If you are providing your child with a packed lunch, please ensure that it does not have any products that contain nuts/peanuts. 

We look forward to working with all of our families as your children embark on their journey of faith and education at Corpus Christi.

Year RR Calendar

February 2029

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Year RR Updates