At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary school we endeavour to provide our students with the skills to write for a range of audiences in a variety of genres. Through a language rich curriculum, we aim to support our children in developing a wide vocabulary which enables them to access a wealth of literature, as well as create adventurous and articulate writing pieces of their own. We want our children to feel confident in their ability to spell and use their grammatical knowledge to create written pieces across the curriculum which are coherent and meet a high standard of presentation. We aim to support children in becoming editors, identifying areas for improvement and moving their writing forward.
- English units are structured following a reading through to writing approach.
- The reading through to writing approach is supported through quality texts which the children can use as a good model for their own writing. The children go on a journey from exploring the key text, discretely learning grammatical features, planning their own text, to finally writing and editing.
- Shared writing is used as a tool within the writing cycle to share ideas and create a model text which the children can use as a scaffold for their own work.
- Throughout the writing cycle, vocabulary is shared and built upon, being displayed on the class working wall.
- A ‘Talk for Writing’ approach is used from Year 1 – Year 4 to support children in verbalising texts, developing vocabulary, learning sentence structure and grammatical awareness.
- We aim to teach all children to write legibly, fluently and with reasonable speed through discrete handwriting lessons.
- We teach children to spell using lessons daily. We use a phonics approach to spelling from Reception to Year 6. As the children enter Key 1 and 2, they are taught the Spelling National Curriculum through focusing on one spelling pattern a week.
- We provide opportunities throughout the curriculum for the children to apply their writing skills.
- Teacher’s assess the children’s writing against the Romero Writing Indictors to monitor progress and identify gaps.
Our children will:
- Be engaged within lessons and develop a passion for writing for an purpose.
- Develop their knowledge of vocabulary and their ability to use new ambitious language correctly in different contexts.
- Have a good understanding of different genres, their features and use these within their own writing.
- Continuously develop their knowledge of spelling patterns and grammatical features and apply these within their work across the curriculum.
- Become secure in forming letters and numbers.
- Edit their work confidently to correct mistakes and improve the quality of work to engage their reader.
Early Writing Workshop
Spelling progressions in year group documents
Year- One – Spelling Progression
Autumn Writing outcomes