Welcome back 2C!
This year the class teacher will be Miss Croarken and Mrs Sava.
Throughout the year, we will be covering some fantastic topics beginning with The great fire of London, where we will be visiting Selly Manor, and baking some delicious bread. Later in the year we will be exploring the world, starting with UK and moving across the globe through lots of exciting activities such as history, geography and arts and design.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school.
The expectation in Year Two is that your child reads to an adult at least 4/5 times per week. Please sign the diary and return it to school every day. Reading books will be changed once a week and Oxford owl books are available online using the log in in your childs reading diary. You can read other books as well as the ones we send home, it is important your child reads a variety of texts. We also encourage children to use ‘Numbots’ for 5 minutes a day too.
Our PE days this half term will be Tuesday and Thursday. On both days, children will need to come into school wearing their PE kit on PE days. Please make sure child wears appropriate clothing in the colder months by wearing their PE tracksuit rather than shorts.
We are really looking forward to the term ahead and working with your children. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. We hope the children have a great time learning with us and thrive within our school setting.
Miss Croarken and Mrs Sava
Year 2 Writing and Reading – Advice for parents
Year 2 Maths – Advice for parents
Books from other cultures EYFS and KS1
Curriculum Intent
At Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School, we intend that our curriculum nurtures and develops the whole child so that each unique individual grows constantly in confidence, and has the skills and knowledge to achieve their true God-given potential. All children will access a rich, ambitious, challenging curriculum that fosters curiosity, creativity and a life-long love of learning. It is designed to provide the children in our care with experiences that will prepare them well academically whilst also enabling them to contribute to creating a better world. Our curriculum is designed to go beyond the statutory content and deliver experiences that take into consideration our children’s varied background and cultures, expanding their life experiences. Driven by this, we have developed, as part of The Romero Catholic Academy, a Romero Child Charter. This charter underpins our hopes and desires for the children in our school, as we seek to give them rich experiences and opportunities that will foster a lifelong love of learning. This is realised through six strands:
The Romero Charter (click here)
This charter goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum, as at Corpus Christi we seek to create a narrative that is meaningful to the children. Alongside this, we have developed, as part of The Romero Catholic Academy, a carefully-crafted curriculum to expand the children’s skills and knowledge. High-quality visits and visitors into Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School are also well-designed to enhance our curriculum.
Our curriculum is implemented through quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary across core and foundation subjects; all children at Corpus Christi will be challenged to be inquisitive, compassionate, courageous and creative learners. They will have opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge through age-appropriate and progressive themes and topics. The aim of the Key Stage One theme curriculum is to develop and enhance children’s basic skills within Geography, History, Art and Design Technology. The theme curriculum will build on the children’s learning and experiences from early years and equip them with the essential knowledge and skills to thrive within Key Stage Two.
In Key Stage One, our theme curriculum has been carefully sequenced to ensure that the children receive several opportunities to secure and embed the knowledge and skills which they are taught. Throughout their Key Stage One journey, the children will be provided with a sequence of work which gradually builds on their understanding and knowledge of the world they live in, while developing their creative and innovative thinking.
In Key Stage Two, themes will run for a term in order to allow sufficient time for children to explore subjects in detail and to give the scope for our more able children to showcase their higher order thinking skills. Explicit drivers have been established for each theme to ensure that the sense of purpose remains clear throughout. Each year group will follow the same central driver so that wider school opportunities can be taken to reinforce learning and for more effective subject leader monitoring. The main drivers are History and Geography -because of their importance in children understanding the world around them- and STEM -due to the ever-changing nature of the world we live. Other subjects will be mapped out to supplement these throughout. These core areas will also be revisited at outlined opportunities throughout the year as best practice of spiraling curricula.
Our aim is for the curriculum to extend beyond academic achievements: we want children at Corpus Christi to go out into the world and make a difference in their own lives and to the lives of others. Through our curriculum, we aspire to prepare our children for the next stage in their lives academically, spiritually and morally.