Dear Parents/ Carers of Year 5
As you are aware, we have offered provision for pupils in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. We are very keen to see our Year 5 children before the Summer holidays, but the Guidance currently makes this difficult. So after careful consideration we have put together a two-day offer for our pupils across Romero in Year 5 to meet together in their class, with their Year 5 teaching staff (from their own school) at Cardinal Wiseman.
We have limited space remaining in our Primary schools so have looked to the Secondary school to provide the site to enable us to meet all Year 5 before the Summer holidays.
In Year 6, we offer opportunities to work across the schools and this is led by Mrs Scullion, a Senior Leader in Romero who works with all seven schools across the week. To introduce them to Year 6, we are co-ordinating a two day event at Cardinal Wiseman for all Year 5 pupils so they can meet up with each other and meet Mrs Scullion.
The days will be focused on reflecting on Year 5 as well as looking forward to Year 6; we have planned a range of Team building activities; preparation for Confirmation and memory making sessions for all the pupils wishing to take up this offer.
Due to limited capacity of space in our schools (due to restrictions in the DfE Guidance), this event can only be based at our Secondary school. At Cardinal Wiseman, there will only be a small number of students on site (Wednesday small number of Critical workers) and Thursday (small number of Critical workers and 40 Year 10).
We will be following the updated DfE Guidance on social distancing at all times and a Risk Assessment will be available for parents/ carers to view. Each school will organise their bubbles and these bubbles will stay together for the two days.
A website has been set up which will share the timetable and the Risk Assessment once we have finalised our numbers.
Please complete this form no later than Friday 3rd July so we can plan, organise the timetables and make arrangements for the fun to begin! The Survey Monkey is here:
This event is co-ordinated centrally by Romero in partnership with Year 5 and 6 staff leading the Bubbles of Year 5 through the activities alongside the central team who lead the activities.
Best wishes
Mrs Quinn Mrs Scullion Mr Parry
CEO/ CSEL Romero Lead Practitioner for Y6 PE and WellBeing